| ![]() DOE-STD-1022-94
A. The Department of Energy (DOE) has established policy and requirements for natural phenomena hazard
(NPH) mitigation for DOE sites and facilities using a graded approach as specified by DOE O 420.1,
"Facility Safety" and associated NPH Guide G 420.1-2. To implement the NPH mitigation requirements,
four standards have been developed that provide specific acceptance criteria for various aspects of NPH
to meet the requirement of DOE O 420.1. These requirements should be used in conjunction with other
pertinent documents such as DOE Orders (5480.30, 5481.1B etc.), consensus national standards, model
building codes, and industry accepted codes and specifications. Figure 1 shows a conceptual NPH design
framework which identifies how the DOE NPH standards are used to assess NPH design requirements.
B. The studies of site characteristics should be performed and existing data for site characteristics related to
NPH should be evaluated in accordance with this standard, DOE-STD-1022-94. The site characterization
provides the necessary site-specific information to implement DOE-STD-1023-95, "Natural Phenomena
Hazards Assessment Criteria" which provides criteria for hazard assessment to ensure that adequate design
basis load levels are established. The DOE-STD-1023-95 in turn provides necessary information to
implement DOE-STD-1020-2002 for NPH design and evaluation criteria for DOE facilities.
C. DOE G 420.1-2, DOE-STD-1020 and DOE-STD-1021 also established performance categories and target
probabilistic performance goals for each category. Performance categories and performance goals range
from those for conventional buildings to those facilities with hazardous materials or operations. NPH
performance categories are specified in DOE-STD-1021-93. The guidance for the preparations of facility
hazard classification and accident analyses techniques is established in DOE-STD-1027-92 and DOE-
STD-3009-94 (CHG-1).
D. The NPH requirements have been developed to provide the necessary information that assess the NPH
safety basis for DOE facilities, which is documented in Safety Analysis Reports (SAR). The overall
approach for NPH mitigation is consistent with the graded approach embodied in the SAR. The selection
of structure, systems and components (SSCs) which require NPH design is based on the potential hazard
from the facility quantified as necessary through accident analysis. Once the SSC's have been assessed,
DOE O 420.1 specifies the NPH requirements to ensure that the SSC's are adequately designed to resist
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