| ![]() DOE-STD-1022-94
(Johnston, 1996). Historic or prehistoric EUS earthquakes associated with specific geologic structures
have been identified in only a few instances (e.g., Meers fault in Oklahoma). Thus, in the EUS,
earthquake sources are usually defined for ground motion analyses as source zones (areas or volumes of
the earth's crust) having uniform earthquake potential (uniform earthquake recurrence and uniform
maximum earthquake magnitude throughout the area). Typically, source zones are defined primarily on
the basis of the spatial distribution of observed seismicity complemented by information on the regional
geologic structure and tectonics. Such source zones also exist in the Western U. S. (WUS) in areas of
lower seismicity and alluvial valleys where active faults have not been identified.
4. Active faults. As defined in NRC R G. 1.165 (1997a), an active fault is part of capable tectonic source
which is essentially characterized by the presence of surface or near surface deformation of geologic
deposits of a recurring nature within the last approximately 500,000 years or at least once in the last
approximately 50,000 years or/and an association with one or more large earthquakes or sustained
earthquake activity which are usually accompanied by significant surface deformation. All Quaternary
faults within about 25 to 50 km of a site should be assessed to determine if they are significant
contributors to the seismic hazard of the site. Detailed site characterization is necessary for active faults
within a radius of 8 km (5 miles) of a site as input to the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis and the
vibratory ground motion estimation. In the WUS, the focus of seismic source identification is on
identifying active faults or fault-related features (such as fault-related anticlinal folds) that are observed
at the ground surface. This focus is appropriate because large earthquakes (historic and prehistoric)
typically have occurred on mapped active faults in the WUS. It is also appropriate to define seismic
source zones in the WUS to incorporate that portion of the seismicity (typically
small-to-moderate-magnitude earthquakes) that does not appear to be associated with identified discrete
faults. The geological, seismological and geophysical investigations to identify the locations and geometry
of faults that may be significant seismic sources shall, to the extent practical, address the following
Rate of Fault Movement. In evaluating the rate of fault movement, the following factors must be
considered: historical and geologic evidence regarding the displacement history (especially the Quaternary
displacements) of the fault, historical and instrumental seismicity data, structural relations that may
suggest kinematic linkages to a known active fault, and the regional tectonic setting.
Sense of Slip (style of faulting). For cases in which a fault has experienced slip in more than one direction
during its history, emphasis should be on assessing its most recent slip sense. The horizontal and vertical
components of displacement and at least a general assessment of the fault dip are required to properly
classify the sense of slip on a fault.
Fault Dip and Down dip Width. To model fault sources in three-dimensions, an assessment must be made
of the dip of the fault throughout the seismogenic crust. The down dip width of a fault cam be assessed
indirectly based on the estimated maximum depth of the seismogenic crust and the dip of the fault source.
Example approaches to determine the angle of dip are: (1) Use geometry of foreshock/aftershock
earthquake foci to define fault plane orientation; (2) Seismic reflection profiles, where available; and (3)
Details of outcrop patterns along range-front.
Buried or Blind Faults. Blind potential seismic sources can be identified by a combination of subsurface
interpretations (e.g., balanced cross sections, seismic reflection) coupled with evidence for
geologically-young deformation (e.g., folding of Quaternary deposits and surfaces). As an example, the
location and dimensions of an interpreted blind thrust ramp are important to the assessment of the
maximum magnitude that the ramp may be capable of generating, and the rate of slip will be important
to estimating recurrence.
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