| ![]() DOE-STD-1022-94
B. The extent of the investigation to characterize the seismic-related hazards is dependent upon the performance
categories of the structures, the geological and seismologic environment of the site region, and the local soil
conditions at the site. Geologists, seismologists, geophysicists, and geotechnical engineers with the knowledge
and experience of fulfilling the requirements stated in the Federal Regulations and Standards (e.g., 10 CFR
100 Subparts A and B, NRC R. G. 1.165, NRC R.G. 1.132, DOE O 420.1, etc.,) for site characterization
for DOE facilities should be consulted for defining the program of the investigation. Site experts who are
knowledgeable of geological, seismological, and geotechnical aspect of site characterizations should also be
C. For sites containing facilities with SSCs only in Performance Category 1 or 2, it is sufficient to utilize results
of previous site-specific probabilistic seismic hazard studies, if available, or to utilize information provided
in the model building codes or national consensus standards (e.g., FEMA 368, IBC 2000). For sites
containing facilities with SSCs in Performance Category 3 or 4, and for which no site-specific probabilistic
seismic hazard studies have been performed in accordance with DOE-STD-1023-95, site-specific
characterization criteria are provided in the following paragraphs.
5.4.1 Seismic Sources
A. Seismic sources define areas where future earthquakes are likely to occur. All Seismic sources in the site
region that could cause significant ground shaking at the site shall be identified and characterized. Seismic
sources may include seismogenic sources and capable tectonic sources. A seismogenic source is a portion of
the earth which is considered to have uniform seismicity. A seismogenic source may be a well-defined tectonic
structure or simply a large region of diffuse seismicity. A seismogenic source would not cause surface
displacement. A capable tectonic source is a tectonic structure which can generate both earthquakes and
ground deformation. Geological, geophysical and seismological investigations provide the information needed
to identify and characterize source parameters, including the location, size, and geometry of the seismic
sources, maximum earthquake, and frequency of occurrence of earthquakes of various magnitudes (earthquake
B. The potential for fault rupture and associated tectonic surface deformation at the site (e.g., tilting or folding)
shall also be evaluated. The amount and style of deformation and the likelihood of future displacement shall
also be characterized for any Quaternary (approximately last 2 million years) faults in close proximity to the
site (within about 8 km or 5 miles). Seismic source identification data
A. All seismic sources that could contribute significantly (more than 5 percent to the total hazard) to a
probabilistic ground motion assessment, as described in DOE-STD-1023-95, shall be identified and
characterized with respect to their location and geometry relative to the site. The following items shall be
considered in collecting data for seismic source identification:
1. Area of investigations. The boundaries of the region to be investigated for seismic hazards depend
primarily on whether distant seismic sources could cause earthquakes large enough to govern or contribute
significantly to the ground motion at the site and the performance category of facility SSCs within the site.
The sizes of the regions to be investigated should be large enough to adequately characterize the hazards
that can affect the site. The choice of an area and justification of that choice is the responsibility of the
investigator. The results of a scoping hazard study may be utilized to aid in determining the area of
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