| ![]() DOE-STD-1023-95
The historical earthquake magnitude will be a best estimate of the moment magnitude for the
earthquake. If instrumentally recorded, the magnitude will be either the recorded moment
magnitude or a derived moment magnitude from other estimated magnitudes using accepted
published magnitude conversion relationships. If the historical earthquake is a pre-
instrumental event, the moment magnitude should be estimated using information such as the
total felt area or other applicable intensity information found in the published literature and
authoritative unpublished records, diaries, scientists notes, etc. If the ground motion
attenuation relationship requires additional source parameters such as stress drop, these
parameters should also be defined as best estimates.
The distance should be based on a best estimate. For instrumentally recorded earthquakes, the
distance should be based on the best available location (including depth). For pre-instrumental
earthquakes, there is considerable uncertainty in the exact location of the event. In these cases,
a reasonably conservative estimate should be provided which considers factors such as the
highest intensity and the estimated rupture dimension for the magnitude being considered.
Ground Motion
Both median (50th percentile) and 84th percentile estimates of ground motion should be
completed for all frequencies comprising the response spectra. Methods for estimating ground
motion should be consistent with the approaches used to derive the spectral shapes as
discussed in Section A3.1.3.1.e. For PC 4 facilities, the DBE spectra shall be equal to or
greater than the 84th percentile estimate. For PC 3 facilities, the DBE spectra should be equal
to or greater than the median estimate. In general, the difference between the median and 84th
percentile is about a factor of 1.7 to 2 in ground motion, which approximates the ground
motion difference between PC 3 and PC 4 hazard probabilities coupled with typical hazard
curve slopes.
3.1.6 Generation of Appropriate Enveloping Accelerograms
For many seismic evaluations of structures and sites, the generation of accelerograms (time
histories) which envelope the developed DBE response spectrum must be developed. The guidelines
to be used for development of such time histories and acceptance criteria are present in McGuire, et.
al. (2001). The time histories need to have sufficient energy content at all frequencies of interest
and possess characteristics appropriate for the governing characteristic seismic events comprising
the seismic hazard of the site.
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