| ![]() DOE-STD-1023-95
It is the policy of the Department of Energy (DOE) to design, construct, and operate DOE facilities
so that workers, the general public, and the environment are protected from the impacts of natural
phenomena hazards (NPHs) on DOE facilities. As discussed in 10 CFR Part 830, Nuclear Safety
Management, natural external events need to be evaluated as part of Documented Safety Analysis
(830.204). NPH safety policy requirements for natural phenomena hazard (NPH) mitigation are
established by DOE O 420.1 which is referenced in 10 CFR Part 830, Nuclear Safety Management
DOE 0 420.1 and associated NPH Guide, DOE G-420.1-2 requires that structures, systems, and
components (SSCs) at DOE facilities are designed and constructed to withstand the effects of natural
phenomena hazards using a graded approach. The graded approach is implemented by the five (5)
performance categories established for SSCs based on criteria provided by DOE-STD-1021-93.
Performance Category (PC) 0 is for SSCs which require no NPH protection. The performance
categories requiring NPH protection range from PC 1, which represents protection for life-safety at
the level provided by model building codes, to PC 4, which represents protection from release of
hazardous material similar to that provided by commercial nuclear power plants. For each
performance category, NPH design, evaluation, and construction requirements of varying
conservatism and rigor are provided in DOE-STD-1020-2002.
In applying the design/evaluation criteria of DOE-STD-1020-2002 for DOE facilities subjected to
one of the natural phenomena hazards, the establishment of design basis load levels consistent with
the corresponding performance category is required. Design basis load levels are established by
conducting natural phenomena hazard assessments.
For sites containing facilities with structures, systems, and components (SSCs) in only Performance
Category 1 or 2 and having no site-specific probabilistic NPH assessment, it is sufficient to utilize
natural phenomena hazard maps from model building codes or national consensus standards if they
have input values at the specified hazard probabilities. For sites which have site-specific probabilistic
NPH assessments, the SSCs in Performance Category 1 or 2 shall be evaluated or designed for the
greater of the site-specific values or the model code values, unless lower site specific values can be
justified and approved by DOE. Limitations on use of site specific probabilistic NPH assessments
contained in Model Building Codes shall be complied with.
For sites containing facilities with SSCs in Performance Category 3 or 4, a site-specific probabilistic
natural phenomena hazard assessment review shall be conducted if none has been conducted within
the last 10 years. This NPH assessment review shall consider site-specific information as discussed
in DOE-STD-1022-94.
The purpose of this standard, DOE-STD-1023-95, is to provide criteria for natural phenomena
hazard assessments to construct hazard curves. The mean hazard curve shall be used to determine
the design basis NPH event for design and/or evaluation of DOE facilities. This Standard provides
specific criteria applicable to various natural phenomena hazards including seismic, wind and
tornado, and flood.
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