| ![]() DOE-STD-1023-95
The following hydrologic events which are potential sources of flooding shall be included in the
flood hazard analysis:
( 1)
River flooding
( 2)
Levee or dam failure
( 3)
Flood runoff/drainage
( 4)
( 5)
( 6)
Storm surge
( 7)
Wave and runups
( 8)
( 9)
Water-carried debris
Mud flows
For each of these potential sources of flooding, appropriate information on topography,
meteorological conditions, results of existing flood analyses, stage-discharge data, etc., that are
necessary to determine and analyze the source shall be collected as specified by DOE-STD-
The flood screening analyses shall determine potential flooding due to multiple sources and
other possible chains of events.
For each of the sources of potential flooding, simple criteria (without performing any analysis
other than those collected) shall be provided establishing whether the site is affected by
potential flooding from this source. These criteria include the applicable physical arguments
that certain sources not present are very unlikely or that their consequences on the site are
negligible or nil.
For the sources of flooding for which no clear basis has been established to discard them as
potential flood hazards to the site, a preliminary flood hazard analysis shall be performed.
A preliminary flood hazard analysis is performed for all sources of flooding identified as
having potential impacts on the site. This analysis shall provide a measure of the magnitude
and probability of occurrence of extreme events. This analysis does not need to be
comprehensive and can be based on existing studies. For example, it is sufficient to use flood
magnitude and probability of occurrence of river flooding, and extend these results to a lower
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