| ![]() DOE-STD-1024-92
85th/median ratio between LLNL and EPRI. The approach chosen was
based on the most stable estimate (the median) and the inclusion of
uncertainty based on the fractiles between 15th and 85th percentiles
between the two studies.
The probabilistic method in the Army Technical Manual uses relatively old
probabilistic results developed by the USGS. As discussed in the response
to previous comments, the LLNL and EPRI results represent improvements
in seismic hazard characterization, particularly the quantification of
modeling uncertainty.
(NS-8, NS-9, LLNL-6, LLNL-11, OR-4, RW-9, RW-11 - RW-16)
Reflected in revised Standard.
This comment addresses issues currently present in UCRL-15910 (DOE-
STD-1020) which have been misinterpreted in their use. The first is the
issue of hazard classification. The comments correctly state that UCRL-
15910 (DOE-STD-1020) is not a hazard classification document. The
hazard classification is to be determined independently of UCRL-15910
(DOE-STD-1020). Secondly, there has been confusion in the interpretation
of the DBA occurrence probability, as UCRL presents both a performance
goal probability and an exceedance probability.
Currently, a DOE Order is being prepared that will define Natural
Phenomena Design Requirements (Draft DOE Order 5480.NPH).
Additionally, a set of Natural Phenomena Standards and Guidance
Documents will be prepared that will establish more explicit requirements
and acceptance criteria for DOE facilities. This set of documents will
supersede UCRL-15910. The new hierarchy of design requirements,
starting with a revised DOE Order 6430.1A, "General Design Criteria," will
provide a clear definition and source of hazard classification as well.
The revised Standard provides further detail on this subject.
(OR-1, EH-2, RW-4)
Comments were received which questioned the use of LLNL studies which
include LLNL-AE5. Concerns which have been previously expressed by
various sources in regard to the accuracy of LLNL-AE5 are included in the
In addition, Figure 7 displays the existing mean EPRI and LLNL (with and
without LLNL-AE5) seismic hazard results and the draft preliminary
revised results from LLNL using a reduced range of ground motion
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