| ![]() DOE-STD-1024-92
The approach was used to develop representative peak ground
acceleration estimates for five sites which were made available to the
S WG; Savannah River, Portsmouth, Oak Ridge, Princeton and Brookhaven.
Table 2 shows the peak ground acceleration values for the three
probabilities defined in UCRL-15910 (DOE-STD-1020), the actual LLNL and
EPRI median, mean and 85th percentile values at these probabilities, and
the older TERA, Inc. estimates. Table 3 shows the resulting estimate of
the pseudo-mean value, and a comparison to the older TERA, Inc.
estimates reported in UCRL-15910 (DOE-STD-1020). Table 3 also shows
the recommended approach for Brookhaven and Princeton, sites that only
have the LLNL seismic hazard curves.
As shown in Table 3, the recommended values are equal to or lower than
the previous estimates provided in UCRL-15910 (DOE-STD-1020). This
result is significant when considering that the older hazard curves are
labeled "best estimate" values which may be most appropriately correlated
with median estimates, considering that TERA, Inc. did not explicitly
quantify modeling uncertainty. This would qualitatively suggest that median
seismic hazard estimates have decreased since the late 1970's. Tables 2
and 3 also show that if the option selected had directly used the mean or
85th percentile data, the derived pseudo-mean is likely to have been
heavily influenced by the LLNL curves. Table 3 also shows that the
recommended values are equal to or greater than the EPRI 85th percentile,
but significantly lower than the LLNL 85th percentile. Based on the above,
it is acceptable for sites in the Eastern United States to continue to use the
TERA, Inc. peak acceleration or the values recommended by this Standard.
Table 4 displays the recommended peak horizontal acceleration values in
summary fashion. Table 4 also lists the remaining Eastern United States
DOE sites. The S WG is unaware of whether LLNL or EPRI data exists for
these sites and thus continues to recommend the use of TERA, Inc.
The Standard explicitly applies to all DOE sites east of the about 104W. The
Rocky Flats Site is excluded from the Standard because the LLNL and EPRI
studies did not extend far enough westward to provide the necessary seismic
hazard input. The Paducah, Kentucky site is excluded because this site is in
close proximity to the New Madrid, Missouri seismic zone which should be
modeled as an extended line source. Neither the EPRI or LLNL studies
adequately modeled the New Madrid source in this fashion. The Paducah site
has undertaken appropriate probabilistic seismic hazard studies including
extended source modeling for New Madrid. Department of Energy sites in the
Western United States (west of 104W) should be aware of the position,
particularly when developing site-specific probabilistic seismic hazard curves and
the assessment of uncertainty in deriving mean estimates of seismic hazard.
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