| ![]() DOE-STD-1024-92
Appendix A
Development of a DOE Wide Position Regarding the Use
of LLNL and EPRI Probabilistic Seismic
Hazard Curves
Provided below is the set of comments received from Department of Energy (DOE)
organizations who reviewed the Draft Interim Position Regarding the use of
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and Electric Power Research
Institute (EPRI) Seismic Hazard Curves dated March 19, 1992. The comments
have been organized using the originating organizations abbreviations. Minor
editing of comments has been completed removing reference to attachments that
would unnecessarily clutter this document. The consolidated comments are
followed by a response document which cross-references the comments.
As requested, this memorandum provides the Office of Nuclear Safety's (NS)
comments on the DOE Seismic Working Group's (SWG) draft report and interim
position on the use of seismic hazard curves. The draft report gives insights
and recommendations that go beyond the guidance currently provided by
UCRL-15910 for establishing earthquakes for the design and review of DOE
facilities. The draft interim position gives innovative and workable criteria for
using hazard curves developed from the LLNL and the EPRI methodologies.
The SWG intended that LLNL and EPRI seismic hazard curves be used as
state-of-the-art replacements for the older TERA, Inc. seismic hazard curves,
which are the basis for the recommended earthquake levels in Table 4-4 of
Office of Nuclear Safety believes that the draft interim position's general
approach for selecting review earthquakes is a rational and practical way to use
the LLNL and EPRI hazard curves However, there are newly-discovered
technical issues within the draft interim position, and with its use with UCRL-
15910, that must be resolved prior to its endorsement by DOE. These issues
should be resolved in close coordination with the Office of Environmental
Restoration and Waste Managements (EM) development of seismic guidelines
for high level waste storage tanks, and the Office of Nuclear Safety Policy and
Standards (NE-70's) development of natural phenomena review guidelines (the
latter are intended to improve and codify the guidance of UCRL-15910).
Because of the use of performance goals by these guidelines and the resulting
interrelationship between earthquake selection and structural evaluation
criteria, we recommend that the completion of a final version of the SWG's
interim position be carefully integrated with EM and NE-70's new structural
evaluation criteria.
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