| ![]() DOE-STD-1024-92
By introducing a "pseudo-mean correction factor," the draft interim position
allows for the use of the median seismic hazard curves, which are more stable
than mean seismic hazard curves. We believe the general approach
developed by the SWG is rational and practical. However, as noted in the
SWG report (in the penultimate paragraph of Page 12), there are recent
indications that the factor of 1.65 given in Item A.3 of the position may not be
appropriate for earthquakes with annual probabilities of 1 X 10-3 or greater.
As with the slope issue, corrections to the pseudo-mean correction factor
would also tend to raise the earthquake review levels for facilities not classified
as high hazard.
The issues discussed above raise a more general concern that, ironically, the
seismic criteria developed for lower probability earthquakes (i.e., those less
likely to occur) appear to be the most robust. This is probably because of all
the attention that the technical community has given to the use of seismic
hazard curves for commercial nuclear reactor seismic evaluations. For
commercial reactors, annual earthquake probabilities of 1 x 10-3 or greater are
of low interest since they are below safe shutdown earthquake levels and do
not control risk. The DOE seismic criteria effort needs to be much more
focussed towards higher probability earthquakes.
Section B of the draft interim position introduces correction factors for cases
where only the EPRI or LLNL curves exist. Our calculations indicate that the
1.3 factor for adjusting LLNL medians is too high. The attached table on
"Calculation of Earthquake Levels Using DOE SWG Draft Interim Position"
shows that this factor underpredicts the results obtained from using both the
EPRI and LLNL curves. We recommend that the correction factors given in
Section B be re-evaluated considering a wider data base than shown in Table
3, including consideration that these factors may vary with earthquake annual
probabilities and could be different for the EPRI and LLNL curves.
Part C of the draft interim position (on page 3) provides guidance on
developing site-specific spectra. This guidance is somewhat independent from
the rest of the material in the SWG's report, and there is very little discussion
on the technical basis for Part C. Additional justification should be written if the
SWG's report is to be finalized, and the criteria and justification should be
incorporated within NE-70's natural phenomena guidelines.
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