| ![]() DOE-STD-1024-92
We recommend that Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) values for DOE sites with
moderate and/or high hazard facilities located in the EUS, east of longitude
104W, be computed by both approaches, corrected for curve shape differences,
and tabulated by one organization. These should then be reviewed and made
available to all DOE sites for their use in design and evaluation. This is much
more reliable and cost effective than each site conducting independent studies.
A marked-up copy of the interim position is also attached. The comments are
essentially editorial, but important to avoid misuse.
In general, we conclude that the interim position is reasonable and attempts to
take advantage of the relative strengths of the LLNL and EPRI studies. We do
not offer specific recommendations for changes to the document. However, we
do have a few relatively minor questions regarding the methodology proposed in
the interim position. Clarification of these questions would serve to further
strengthen the document.
A major strength of the interim position is that it explicitly incorporates both of
the methodologies, through a geometric averaging of the peak accelerations at
the target probability level. Such an approach circumvents the messy
problems that could be associated with other schemes for aggregating the
results of the two studies (e.g., assigning relative weights, component-level
aggregation, etc.). Further, the use of the most stable descriptor of the hazard,
the median peak acceleration, also appears to be the most reasonable point
for combining the two studies.
It has only been in the past 5 years that a complete description of the
uncertainties in seismic hazard have become nearly as important as the
central estimates in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis for licensing
purposes. Perhaps due to the increasing number of probabilistic risk
assessments being done for commercial nuclear plants and the probabilistic
components of the IPEE program, the state of the practice in seismic hazard
analysis is a full description of the seismic hazard and careful attention to
characterization of uncertainty.
The interim position is said to apply to all sites east of about 104W "except for
sites within about 50 kilometers of active seismogenic sources, such as the
Paducah, Kentucky Site." How is an active seismogenic source defined?
Clearly in the example, the Paducah site is near the New Madrid seismic zone.
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