| ![]() DOE-STD-1024-92
It is interesting to note that when the interim position is applied to Rocky Flats,
the High Hazard Zero Period Acceleration (ZPA) would apparently decrease
from .219 to .169. This deviation in ZPA levels adds to the need for the planned
new site specific seismicity study.
As requested, the Systematic Evaluation Program (SEP) has briefly reviewed
DOE's interim position with respect to LLNL and EPRI seismic hazard curves.
Without detailed review of predecessor documents, SEP has no significant
technical comments. The proposed interim methodology appears to adequately
.account for differences/uncertainties between the LLNL and EPRI approaches.
Systematic Evaluation Program agrees with and strongly supports the
DOE/EPRI/NRC joint effort to resolve seismic hazard issues on a "permanent" or
better yet, a "renewable" basis.
In SEP's opinion, the following technical issues should be emphasized:
Attenuation relationships; and
Site soil amplification/deamplification
These issues have the potential and disproportionately large uncertainties both
on a regional basis and in site-specific applications.
AL - I
Page 4, Paragraph 3, Last Sentence - This sentence is misstated. University of
California Research Laboratory (UCRL-15910) provides two different
probabilities, either of which may be used, the performance and exceedance
goal probabilities. The sentence should be rewritten to read: "UCRL-15910
allows the use of either performance goal probability or hazard exceedance
probability dependent on the design/analysis technique used."
Attached is a copy of a memorandum (J. Schinkle to Albuquerque Field Office
(AL) Area Managers) explaining the use of these two probabilities.
The DOE General Design Criteria Manual (DOE Order 6430.1A) requires the
consideration of natural phenomena hazards in the design of all new DOE
facilities and a comparison of criteria noncompliances for all existing facilities as
their Safety Analysis Reports (SARs) are updated. Department of Energy Order
6430.IA requires the use of the UCRL document, "Design and Evaluation
Guidelines for DOE Facilities Subjected to Natural Phenomena Hazards, UCRL-
15910, June 1990," for these design considerations.
During the January 1992 DOE Natural Phenomena Hazards Workshop, the
document's authors reported that a general misinterpretation in the application of
UCRL-15910 has been occurring. We are bringing to your attention this
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