| ![]() DOE-STD-1024-92
this slope6 varies at most from 3.7 to 2.9. Over this range of b values, the factor
above ranges from 1.4 to 1.55, for the suggested hazard ratio of 3.6. We
conclude that due to the insensitivity of these results to the observed site-to-site
variations, it is satisfactory to simply adopt a single factor, say 1.5 for all cases. In
this case, Step 2 is followed immediately by:
Step 3 (revised; replacing Steps 3, 4, and 5 above): Multiply the "composite" PGA
corresponding to the median target probability of exceedance by 1.5 to obtain the
"composite" PGA corresponding to the target mean probability of exceedance.
Examples of applying this proposed procedure are given in Table 2 of the Interim Position
Note that if LLNL 5GX were to be used as a basis, rather than 4GX, the results change
as follows:
The LLNL/EPRI ratio of 2 increases to about 3.7 (see footnote 3). The geometric
mean of the two ratios increases from 5 to ( 3.7)(3.5) or 6.7. The mean/median
factor increases from 3.6 to exp {(In 6.7)2} = 6.1. The corresponding factor on
the PGA increases from 1.5 to, say, (6.1)1/3.3 = 1.7.
Finally, it is recommended that this PGA value be used, at least as an interim basis,
simply as the "ZPA" (zero period acceleration) at which to anchor either a standard broad band
spectral shape, such as that in NUREG 0098, or a site-specific spectral shape (developed by
any of several familiar means, properly allowing for local soil conditions). It is suggested that this
be a median spectral shape (where median refers to the median of a sample of shapes from a
representative suite of ground motion records.) It might be argued that, because this median
shape is not being anchored to a spectral ordinate obtained from the seismic hazard analysis but
rather to a PGA, it therefore fails to capture the record-to-record variability in the Sv/PGA ratio
(D.A.F.) (or "peak-to-valley" variability within a typical rough spectrum). This variability is
included in spectral velocity hazard analyses, but when combined with the larger PGA variability
the net effect is only a small increase.
Kennedy specifies the slope through the ratio of the PGA at 10-5 hazard to the PGA at
10-3 hazard, a ratio he calls a5/ac. His suggested range for EUS is within 3.5 to 5.0. It is
easily shown that a5/ac = (0.01)-1/b or b = 2/log10 (a5/ac).
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