| ![]() DOE-STD-1024-92
The seismic hazard position described below uses the annual
probabilities specified in DOE Order 5480.NPH and UCRL-15910
For those sites that have both LLNL and EPRI probabilistic seismic
hazard results the recommended approach is to either continue to
use the TERA, Inc. seismic hazard values or:
Use the peak ground acceleration probabilistic median
seismic hazard curves from both the LLNL, without LLNL
Expert #5 Attenuation, (hereafter referred to as LLNL-
AE5) and EPRI studies.
Enter the two studies at the target probability (i.e., at 2 x
10-4, 1 x 10-3 or 2 x 10-3 per DOE Order 5480.NPH or
UCRL-15910 (DOE-STD-1020) and geometrically average
the resulting two peak ground accelerations.
Multiply the resulting peak ground acceleration by 1.80 for
the probabilities of 1 x 10-3 and 2 x 10-3 and 1.65 for the
hazard analysis.
Using the peak ground acceleration from 3 above, anchor a
median standardized spectral shape such as the median
spectral shape defined in NUREG/CR-0098 (Newmark and
Hall), or a deterministic site-specific derived median spectral
shape. In all cases the spectral shape should be consistent
with the rock or soil site conditions at the site in question.
The resulting response spectra should be compared to that
being used to establish the Design Basis Earthquake (DBE)
at each site. If the DBE spectral shape is lower than the
NUREG/CR-0098 spectral shape, it is recommended that a
site-specific spectral shape be developed.
For those sites who implement a deterministic site-specific
spectral shape, information contained in the probabilistic seismic
hazard analysis should be used to establish the appropriate
magnitude and distance. Interim guidance for the development of
deterministic spectral shape is provided in Appendix B. The TERA,
Inc. spectral shape shall not be used for future DBE assessments
if it is lower than the developed site-specific spectral shape. A
DOE Standard is being developed (Draft DOE-STD-1023) that will
provide specific criteria which can be used to develop site-specific
spectra. The DOE Standard will supersede the interim guidance
found in Appendix B. If a modern probabilistic seismic hazard
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