| ![]() DOE-STD-1024-92
amplitudes. (These results were prepared by Risk Engineering Inc., under contract to Martin-
Marietta Energy Systems, for DOE.)
Let us look first at the "inconsistencies". Figures 2 and 3 in the Interim Position report
are typical raw ratios of 85 percentile to median estimates of the hazard for 4 amplitudes of 10
hertz spectral velocity at 70 sites. Note the major differences between the LLNL and EPRI
ratios. Nonetheless, the site-to-site variability in these ratios is relatively small; the (indicated)
standard deviations are perhaps only 15% to 30% of the median ratio in the amplitude range of
primary interest. As shown in Figure 4 of the Interim Position report, this site-to-site variability
is explainable in part by soil vs. rock site effects, and a few high "outlier" sites (which contribute
significantly to the computed standard deviations) are very often (in the case of EPRI, at least)
sites with comparatively very low median hazards estimates, e.g., in the Gulf Coast. Based on
this observation of relatively small site-to-site variability in the ratios, we focus on simply the
geometric mean (over sites) ratio of 85th percentile to median hazard.
Figures A-1 through A-6 (Interim Position Report) show these ratios versus amplitude
for PGA and for several spectral velocities for three cases EPRI, LLNL 4GX and LLNL 5GX
("4GX" and "5GX" is a commonly used notation for LLNL results that contain 4 and 5 ground
motion experts, respectively. In the former case, Expert 5 is excluded, for reasons discussed
in the Interim Position Report.) We observe, first, that
these ratios are very different among the three cases; herein lies
our problem, of course. The LLNL results imply larger estimated uncertainty in
the estimates.
the ratios increase rapidly as the frequency decreases (for
reasons not yet completely understood, but related in part to the wide
divergence among low frequency spectral velocity predictions associated with
broad-band prediction schemes versus "random vibration" ground motion
prediction schemes).
there is a mild upward trend in the ratios with amplitude; it is
stronger for lower frequencies.
On the other hand, with care we can find a somewhat more consistent and helpful picture.
First, let us restrict our attention to amplitudes consistent with pga levels in order of 0.2g or less.
We shall find these levels are typical of the values of interest for DOE "high hazard" facilities
levels are roughly 2 cm/sec, 6 cm/sec, 12 cm/sec, 25 cm/sec, 25 cm/sec for 25, 10, 5, 2.5, and 1
hertz respectively. Second, we focus attention on the 4GX results of LLNL (for reasons
discussed in the Interim Position Report). Then, under these restriction, we observe:
the ratios are about equal for the PGA and 10 hertz ground motion
parameters, having a value of about 3.0 to 4.5 for EPRI and 7 to 9 for LLNL. This
suggests that the high frequency end of the spectrum is rather consistently
estimated whether via PGA or via the 10 hertz spectral velocity.
the ratio of the ratios, i.e., the ratio of the LLNL ratio (4GX) to the
EPRI ratio is very consistent, namely about 2 over the entire frequency range, but
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