| ![]() DOE-STD-1030-96
Use of caution tags should be restricted to situations in which a component or system is
functional, but some precaution or other item of information is needed prior to its
operation. For example:
A piece of equipment has both an automatic and a manual mode of operation. A
problem develops in the automatic control, making that mode of operation unreliable,
but the equipment is still functional. A caution tag would be appropriate to warn an
operator of the limited operational capability and the need to monitor the equipment in
the manual operating mode.
Caution tags should NOT be used in the place of more appropriate action, such as a
temporary or permanent procedure change, placing an operator aid, use of the work control
system, or corrective maintenance. The instructions contained in a caution tag should not
conflict with established facility procedures or technical safety requirements.
If caution tags are used in a facility, the program should include the following elements:
The use of caution tags should be controlled and documented.
Situations requiring special operator or maintenance precautions should be
brought to the attention of the responsible supervisor or manager.
The appropriate supervisor or manager should determine the need for each
caution tag and authorize its placement.
Caution tags should be placed so that they are readily apparent to an individual
prior to operation of the tagged device, but they should not obscure indications
or interfere with switches or other control devices.
A facility log should document all caution tags issued in the facility, including
their status and additional amplifying information.
All caution tags should be reviewed periodically to verify their continued need
and applicability.
Caution tags remaining active for long periods (e.g., longer than three months,
or other facility guideline) should be brought to the attention of the responsible
supervisor or manager for action to resolve the problem.
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