| ![]() DOE-STD-1050-93
1.1 Purpose
This guide is intended to assist facility maintenance operations in the review of existing
and in developing new programs to ensure maintenance work package planning, scheduling,
and coordination identifies all technical and administrative requirements for a work activity
and provides the materials, tools, and support activities needed to perform the work. It is
expected that each DOE facility may use different approaches or methods than those defined
in this guide. The specific guidelines that follow reflect generally accepted industry practices.
Therefore, deviation from any particular guideline would not, in itself, indicate a problem.
If substantive differences exist between the intent of the Guideline and actual practice,
management should evaluate current practice to determine the need to include/exclude
proposed features. A change to maintenance practice would be appropriate if a performance
weakness was determined to exist. Development, documentation, and implementation of other
features which further enhance these guidelines for specific applications, is encouraged.
Additional information pertinent to the implementation of this guideline is found in the
following DOE Guidelines:
1) DOE-NE-STD-1003-91 "Guidelines to Good Practice f or T raining and Qualif ication of
M aintenance Personnel"
2) "W riter's Guide f or T echnical Procedures"
3) "Guidelines to Good Practices f or Postm aintenance T esting at DOE N uclear Facilities"
4) "Guidelines to Good Practices f or Control and Calibration of M easuring and T est
Equipm ent (M &T E) at DOE N uclear Facilities"
5) "Guidelines to Good Practices f or M aintenance History at DOE N uclear Facilities"
6) "Guidelines to Good Practice f or M odif ication W ork at DOE N uclear Facilities"
7) "Guidelines to Good Practice f or Procurem ent of Parts, M aterials, and S erv ices at DOE
N uclear Facilities"
8) "Guidelines to Good Practice f or M aterial R eceipt, Inspection, Handling, S torage,
R etriev al, and Issuance at DOE N uclear Facilities"
9) "DOE Guideline DOE-N E-S T D-1004-92 R oot Cause A naly sis Guidance Docum ent"
10) "Guidelines to Good Practices f or M anagem ent Inv olv em ent at DOE N uclear Facilities"
Appendix H is provided for use by facility trainers who intend to provide training
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