| ![]() DOE-STD-1050-93
Work with the operations manager and engineers to determine the following:
operational impacts such as alarms, possible actuation, special sy stem
alignment, or operator actions
postmaintenance test requirements that should be performed to check
the maintenance performed and to return the component to operation,
"Guidelines to Good Practices f or Postm aintenance T esting at DOE
N uclear Facilities" addresses postmaintenance testing.
Assemble the work package. Include items listed in Appendix G (Planning
Checksheet), as required. Plant document control procedures should be
followed to ensure the most recent revision of a procedure is used by the
craftsperson in performing the maintenance.
Place work package in the appropriate file or forward to scheduling for
accomplishment. Files should include the following:
Ready to Work - All requirements are met; parts are available; support
needs, such as scaffolding, are identified.
Hold for Parts - Repair parts are on order but have not been received
or are not available.
Hold for Plant Conditions - All requirements have been met; however,
special plant conditions, such as a component outage/limiting
condition for operation, are needed to perform the work.
Outage Item - Plant outage or major sy stem outage is needed to
perform task.
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