| ![]() DOE-STD-1050-93
use of job history for establishing standard job durations, parts, and
consumables for repetitive jobs
3.1.2 Scheduling
Scheduling of corrective and preventive maintenance and of planned and forced outage
work is necessary to ensure that maintenance is conducted efficiently and within
prescribed time limits. Scheduling daily activities based on accurate planning estimates
should improve the use of time on the job and help reduce hazardous exposure.
Scheduling of planned outages is important to support the return of the facility to
service on schedule (and within the approved budget) and results in improved
availability and capacity factors. A contingency schedule should be maintained so that
if a forced outage occurs, the forced outage time is minimized and effectively used and
so that all needed maintenance is performed prior to restart.
An effective schedule should assist management in controlling and directing
maintenance activities and should enhance the ability to assess progress. The schedule
should reflect the long-range plan and day-to-day activities. Effective scheduling should
enhance the efficient use of resources significantly by decreasing duplication of support
work, decreasing craftspersons idle time and ensuring completion of planned tasks. The
schedule should be the road map for reaching plant maintenance goals.
Scheduling is an integral part of the overall preparation for maintenance activities and
should be performed concurrently with the planning activities covered in this guideline.
The integrated schedule should be based upon such details as work scope, importance
to plant goals, prerequisites and interrelations, resources, and constraints, developed
during the planning process.
A properly prepared and updated integrated schedule should be a tool to assist in
managing maintenance activities. Performance deteriorates if a schedule is not available
to identify and properly sequence maintenance tasks. Sufficient detail should be
included to coordinate activities and track progress. By grouping individual work items
and integrating major tasks, more efficient use of support resources should be achieved.
The integrated schedule should form the basis for progress reporting. The schedule
should remain useful if it is updated frequently based on the progress reports.
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