| DOE-STD-1051-93
5.3 Guidelines
5.3.1 D ocument Control A dministration
A document control sy stem should provide for the timely receipt, processing,
distribution, retention, storage, and retrieval of documents originating both within
and outside the maintenance organization. The responsibility for document control
may be shared by more than one department. For example, one department may be
responsible for the control, updating, and distribution of drawings. Another
department may be responsible for maintaining maintenance procedures and retention
and storage of maintenance documents. In either case, controls should be
established outlining the responsibilities and authorities of individuals or groups
associated with document control. A master control file of maintenance documents
should be maintained, with access limited to designated personnel. Satellite files of
controlled maintenance documents such as procedures, drawings, and technical
manuals should be established as necessary to support maintenance operations.
Responsibility for maintaining satellite files should be clearly defined.
5.3.2 Procedures
Controls should be established for the preparation, review, approval, distribution,
and revision of maintenance procedures. A sy stematic program should be used to
ensure the review and updating of maintenance procedures at regular intervals that
are not to exceed a specified period (normally two years). Guidelines for procedure
review should address the scope and depth of the review in areas such as technical
and administrative content and human factors. DOE Standard W riter's Guide f or
T echnical Procedures may be of assistance in this area.
A uniform procedure format should be used for all maintenance procedures. A
maintenance administrative procedure should be developed that provides guidance in
the prescribed methods of format, content, and numbering. Departmental procedures
should provide the detailed guidance regarding the conduct of maintenance activities.
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