| DOE-STD-1051-93
b. From a maintenance standpoint, another important part of this "how" is a strategy
to adequately support the facility and its equipment through its remaining years of
operation. This includes the following:
the review of organizational structure and staffing to support both the continuing
improvements in the maintenance program and the facility as a whole,
long-range planning for equipment replacement as components reach end of
service life,
the timing of planned maintenance in conjunction with downtime of important
pieces of site equipment,
incorporating relevant industry issues and events into the maintenance program,
adequate resources for major projects, modifications, and initiatives that will
require the maintenance organization's involvements.
c. A commonly used method to improve an organizations's performance involves
setting goals. If realistic, challenging, and measurable maintenance departmental
goals are established, then the effectiveness of maintenance can be monitored and
improvements achieved. Examples of maintenance goals include the following:
minimize the length of equipment downtime by planning and completing
maintenance activities in a timely manner.
minimize the number of forced downtime events,
minimize the lost time accident rate,
reduce the amount of contaminated floor space,
reduce the number of overdue preventive maintenance activities, and
reduce the backlog of outstanding corrective maintenance deficiencies.
5. Discuss with the trainees the organization chart, maintenance division policies, and
goals and objectives. Emphasize a clear understanding of each item.
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