| DOE-STD-1051-93
The application of controls on vendor manuals depends on the intended use of the
manual. If detailed procedures have been developed for use in the conduct of
maintenance, then vendor manuals should be used only as reference source material
and so marked. If vendor manuals are intended as replacements, substitutes, or
supplements for maintenance procedures, then their use should be controlled in the
same manner as maintenance procedures. In both cases, vendor manuals should be
reviewed for completeness and technically reviewed for accuracy and applicability
prior to initial use. Vendor manuals should be treated as maintenance documents,
with maintenance management retaining responsibility for maintaining the manuals
current. Local changes should be approved and used as necessary to reflect
equipment modifications and other relevant technical information.
Indexes listing all vendor manuals should be developed. Controlled manuals
should be readily identifiable with a means provided to allow verification that each
manual is complete and current. Manuals not included in the document control
sy stem should be considered uncontrolled and should not be used as guidance to
perform maintenance on plant equipment. Maintenance procedures should indicate
how controlled or uncontrolled manuals are identified.
Control mechanisms should be developed to ensure that changes required in
vendor technical manuals (whether generated by external means, such as vendor
technical bulletins, or changes resulting from plant modifications) are incorporated.
Changes to all manuals should receive the same review and approval as the manual
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