| DOE-STD-1051-93
The control of maintenance work should support the completion of tasks in a safe,
timely, and efficient manner such that safe and reliable plant operation is optimized.
A. The work control sy stem provides management with an accurate status of
maintenance planning and outstanding maintenance work.
B. Control of work is accomplished through the effective use of a priority sy stem.
The backlog of work is effectively managed.
C. Work planning includes considerations such as material, tool, and manpower
requirements; interdepartmental coordination; safety considerations; radiological
protection requirements; and quality control requirements. Maintenance history
records are considered where appropriate.
D. The work to be accomplished is clearly defined by a work document that
identifies or includes applicable procedures and/or instructions. Troubleshooting
activities are controlled by applicable work documents.
E. Advance planning is performed and routinely updated for scheduled and
unscheduled outages. Considerations such as work priority, work procedures
and instructions, plant/sy stem conditions, length of outage required, prestaging
of documents and material, and coordination of support activities are included.
F. ALARA concepts are used in work planning to minimize man-rem exposure.
G. Scheduling and coordination of maintenance activities avoids unnecessary
removal of equipment and sy stems from service and uses manpower effectively.
H. Postmaintenance testing requirements are clearly defined and include the
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