| ![]() DOE-STD-1052-93
Component Boundary Determination
A boundary for the selected components should be established to ensure that
associated devices are appropriately considered in the analysis. The boundary for a
component should be established as a logical grouping of devices or components
based on the function of the component. All attendant devices necessary for the
component to perform its system function should be included within the boundary.
For example, if a spray valve is identified as a problem component, then the valve
operator, valve positioner , and current-to-pressure converter should be included in
the boundary. Accurate and inclusive boundary determination is important because
the unreliability of the valve may be caused by seemingly unrelated failures of these
devices or it may be determined that the unreliability is primarily due to only one of
the devices, in which case, the boundary may be redrawn to focus the analysis on that
If a larger component, such as a main feedwater pump, is selected, the boundary for
the pump, which may be considered a subsystem of the feedwater system, may be
established as described in Section 7.4, "Subsystem Boundary Determination," and
analyzed using the guidance described in Section 7, "System Analysis."
When establishing the component boundary, also consider the devices associated with
an equipment identifier since maintenance and operating history is usually most easily
retrievable using those identifiers.
Component History Review
All appropriate operating characteristics, requirements, vendor maintenance
recommendations, and history records of a component should be identified and
considered in analysis of the component. History review and data collection may be
time-consuming depending upon the individual plant's facilities. They are efforts that
are performed throughout the analysis process. The information collected should be
compiled into a data package to facilitate future use, reference, and ready access. All
documentation developed during the analysis of components should be retained for
use in the analysis described in Section 7, "System Analysis."
The data sources listed in Attachment A should provide the design and operating
information needed to determine component functions and to perform the component
analysis. The information needed includes the following:
design specifications
operating requirements
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