| ![]() DOE-STD-1052-93
1.5.2 Written. reports should be prepared periodically to furnish necessary information to
plant management.
1.5.3 Written reports should ordinarily be limited to "exception" reports describing problems
that have been identified and information directly related.
1.6 Corrective Action and Follow-up
1.6.1 Equipment that has been found to have a known or suspected temperature anomaly
should be scheduled for monitoring at more frequent intervals until the problem is
1.6.2 Following notification of corrective action, additional thermographic data should be taken
to establish a new baseline.
1.7 Instrument Calibration
1.7.1 Equipment used to gather actual thermal data for the infrared thermography program
should be incorporated into the measuring and test equipment program in accordance
with plant procedures that govern the control of measuring and test equipment.
1.8 Program Upgrading
1.8.1 The predictive maintenance coordinator should continually seek to refine and improve
the infrared thermography program by the following:
a. being alert and responsive to actual and suspected equipment operating problems
as reported by members of plant staff
b. coordinating the taking of thermographic data on infrequently operated equipment
to coincide with normal plant operation, as far as possible.
c. evaluating readings taken to identify methods by which mere appropriate or
meaningful data may be taken
1.8.2 Upgrading of the program may entail increasing or reducing the requirements in terms
of machines to be monitored, type and number of measurements per machine, and time
interval between readings. In addition, thermography equipment should be periodically
evaluated and consideration made for upgrading based on changing technology.
1.8.3 Failures of equipment included in the infrared thermography program should have
detailed root cause investigations to determine why the programs did not detect
degradation before the failures occurred.
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