| ![]() DOE-STD-1052-93
1.1 Identification of Monitored Equipment
1.1.1 The predictive maintenance coordinator should maintain a listing of plant equipment
included in the infrared thermography program. This listing (Appendix G, Table 1)
should contain the following information on each piece of equipment:
a. component tag number and description
b. priority
c. interval of monitoring
For purposes of this good practice, Table 1 illustrates only a small
portion of the equipment included in the thermography program.
1.1.2 Specific points to be monitored on each piece of equipment should be clearly identified
in route descriptions, etc. Route descriptions may include the use of simple diagrams
or sketches as a field aid to help ensure that data is taken in a consistent manner. These
diagrams or sketches also may be used for note-taking to aid in the development of
written reports concerning specific surveys.
1.1.3 Upon request from members of plant management or in support of other maintenance
activity, data may be taken on equipment other than that listed in Table 1.
1.2 Scheduling of Thermal Surveys
1.2.1 Equipment should be scheduled for thermographic monitoring at the interval indicated
on Table 1. Data may be taken more frequently at the discretion of the predictive
maintenance coordinator or as requested by plant staff. For example, thermal surveys
on selected plant equipment may be useful prior to securing the equipment for a
planned outage to allow for repairs and postmaintenance activity.
1.2.2 Equipment not in operation at the time of scheduled monitoring should not be started
for the sole purpose of obtaining thermographic data unless justified. Such monitoring
should be rescheduled to a time consistent with normal plant operations and within the
nominal thermographic monitoring frequency, if possible.
1.2.3 Thermographic monitoring should be scheduled to coincide with in-service testing or
other plant tests for equipment that is normally not operated except for testing, if
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