| ![]() DOE-STD-1052-93
Interval of PM Tasks
The initial interval of PM tasks to be performed should be established to
maximize equipment reliability based on just-in-time considerations.
Scheduling and Tracking PM Performance
a) A master schedule should be prepared based on the assigned interval
determined per Section The master schedule should include
PM tasks intervals throughout the year.
b) PM work control documents (refer to DOE "Guidelines to Good
Practices for Planning, Scheduling, and Coordination of
Maintenance Activities at DOE Nuclear Facilities" and "Guidelines
to Good Practices for Control of Maintenance Activities at DOE
Nuclear Facilities") should be prepared for each task. They may be
either hard-copy duplicates or computer-generated copies.
c) PM tasks should be capable of being quickly sorted and listed by
system and system condition required to perform the task. This
should aid in planning work items, especially when being performed
during forced outages and changes in operating conditions, and also
aid in scheduling PM tasks by system/subsystem to increase overall
equipment capacity.
d) Preventive maintenance should be scheduled at appropriate intervals
and where practical scheduled with corrective maintenance and
surveillance, and ISI/IST test activities on the same equipment and
with other related maintenance.
e) Grace periods should be specified in the PM program.
f) Delays in the performance of scheduled PM tasks beyond the defined
grace period should require escalating approval. For example,
approval should be obtained from department supervisors, operations
managers, maintenance and technical support managers, and the plant
manager, depending on the length of time that the task is to be delayed
and the potential risk involved.
g) Appropriate craft supervision should be encouraged to recommend
changes in PM task interval based on real-time observations and
conditions. These changes should be approved by the operations,
maintenance, and technical support managers.
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