| DOE-STD-1052-93
3.3.3 The operations manager should be responsible for listing the equipment to be
included and the alignment of plant systems and components to support the
maintenance program as noted below:
a. ensuring that maintenance tasks are properly authorized
b. providing schedule and technical assistance to maintenance
c. restoring systems and components to correct operating alignment or standby
modes upon completion of maintenance tasks
d. making the final equipment operability/acceptance determination, if applicable,
prior to returning the equipment to service
3.3.4 The technical support manager should be responsible for assisting, as required, in
the development and implementation of the maintenance program as noted below:
a. reviewing the list of equipment to be included in the maintenance program
b. recommending task intervals based on vendor recommendations, operating
experience (including run time and failure history), and engineering analyses
c. involving engineering personnel (system engineer, if used) in the review and
analyses of maintenance results
d. providing recommendations to maintenance managers to upgrade equipment
performance (including processing design changes) or to make necessary
maintenance program adjustments
3.3.5 Special consideration should be made in selecting and training the personnel
responsible for obtaining and analyzing maintenance data. A dedicated staff is
recommended to provide the consistency and expertise needed to fully benefit from
this program. A training program should be implemented to support needed
competency and to upgrade knowledge as technology changes.
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