| ![]() DOE-STD-1054-93
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Acronyms Used in this Standard. The acronyms used in this standard are defined as
M&TE - Measuring and Test Equipment
NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology
SSC - Structures, Systems, and Components
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Calibration. The comparison of readings from the instruments being tested with
validated readings observed on the measurement standards.
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Certification. An indication by the appropriate authority that the deviations
determined in the calibration do not exceed specified limits.
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Gross Error. An out-of-tolerance condition for an instrument in the M&TE Program
which may result in an unacceptable product. When a plant guide has not been
prepared or does not list gross error limits, any condition outside the calibration
limits, defined by supervision in the group using the equipment, is considered a gross
Measuring & Test Equipment. M&TE includes all devices or sy stems used to
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calibrate, certify, measure, gauge, troubleshoot, test, or inspect in order to control
data or to acquire data to verify conformance to specified requirements. M&TE does
not include permanently installed plant instrumentation, nor does it include test
equipment used for preliminary checks where data obtained is not used to determine
acceptability or verify conformance to established criteria.
Primary Standards. Calibrated by the National Institute for Standards and
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Technology (NIST) or other authoritative reference source. Its use should be
restricted to the standards laboratory.
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Recall Program.
A sy stem to recall and service measuring and test equipment
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Secondary Standards. Calibrated by comparison with a primary standard of the same
measurement modes. It should be used by laboratory personnel and stored in the
standards laboratory. Use by other than standards laboratory personnel should be
limited to that approved by the applicable manager.
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