| ![]() DOE-STD-1055-93
1.1 Purpose
This guide is intended to assist facility maintenance management in the review of existing
and in developing new maintenance management programs. It is expected that each DOE
facility may use different approaches or methods than those defined in this guide.
Explanation of the intent of this guide is provided in the Discussion section, and the specific
guidelines that follow reflect generally accepted industry practices. Therefore, deviation from
any particular guideline would not, in itself, indicate a problem. If substantive differences
exist between the intent of the Guideline and actual practice, management should evaluate
current practice to determine the need to include/exclude proposed features. A change to
maintenance practice would be appropriate if a performance weakness was determined to
exist. Development, documentation, and implementation of other features which further
enhance these guidelines for specific applications, is encouraged.
This guide describes key features of programs that support maintenance management.
Their implementation should enhance safe, reliable, and efficient maintenance operations.
Included in these key features is guidance for the following management functions:
a) Management Involvement
b) Performance Indicators, Goals, and Objectives Results
c) Problem Analysis
d) Feedback
e) Program Reviews
The D iscussion S ection, of this guideline, concisely describes actions which support the
development of a maintenance management program and includes a brief explanation of it's
relevance. The Guidelines section provides typical industry guidance relative to each of the
four features listed above. In some cases, example situations accompany the guidelines.
These examples have been provided only as an aid in clear understanding of the guidelines
and should not be construed as the only method for meeting the intent of the guidelines.
Persons wishing to obtain an overview of this document need only read the Introduction
and Discussion section.
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