| ![]() DOE-STD-1055-93
c. Notification of selected employees, and
d. A copy of the facility or corporate policy relating to management responsibility for site
3. This lesson has the following trainee enabling objective:
a. Explain management's role in facility operations.
b. Explain a maintenance problem analysis program, and
c. Define the criteria for identifying a root cause.
4. Some important aspects in management role in overall facility operations include the
a. To ensure safety of facility operations, managers and supervisors should be technically
informed and personally familiar with the operating conditions at the site or facility.
This does not mean managers should know every operational detail, but it does imply
a knowledge level that allows them to speak the language of the technology and
understand its basic workings.
b. A problem analysis program is a sy stem designed to help correct the causes of both
equipment and human error problems. This may improve the reliability of the site by
decreasing the probability of recurrence. Some thoughts on this type of program
1) Examples of proven and accepted techniques for analyzing for root cause include
the following:
event and causal charting (sy stem utilizing a block diagram to depict cause and
barrier analysis (questioning process used to determine what programmatic
sy stem or "barrier" may have prevented the problem),
walk-through task analysis (step-by-step reenactment to determine the failure
change analysis (looks at the problem from the standpoint of what was
expected and what actually happened), and
interviewing (a verbal, intuitive investigation process).
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