| DOE-STD-1058-93
Case Study Type:
Objective Classifications:
Description and suggested uses:
The critical incident case study is sometimes known as a jigsaw case study.
Here, the trainee is presented with a small amount of information about a
situation. Additional data is supplied by the instructor over time and may take
the form of handouts or verbal descriptions. Once all of the data is received, the
case situation can be understood, and once understood often leads to
suggestions for action. This type of case provides an opportunity to develop the
skills of "asking the right questions." This type of case study is appropriate for
training facility operators. It would help them develop the diagnostic skills
needed for unusual events or emergency situations. The critical incident case
study can be presented in the form of an exercise within a lesson plan. A
technique for this kind of exercise is to break the trainees into teams. Some of
the teams are given the true facts of a situation and should reach similar
conclusions. The other teams are given slightly distorted facts that, without
careful consideration, can lead to conclusions different from the other teams.
This difference will generate discussions allowing the trainees to contrast and
compare their conclusions in order to arrive at a consensus.
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