| DOE-STD-1058-93
Case Study Type:
Objective Classifications:
Description and suggested uses:
The technique in this type of case study is to "stop the action" at a critical point
in the event so that the trainees can predict outcomes or suggest courses of
action. The event is then continued, and an analysis made of the reasons for
the differences between the predictions and what actually happened. This
technique is an excellent way to improve the trainee's analytical thinking. It
can be effectively employed at facilities using simulators. The sequential case
study can be combined with other case studies such as an exercise case study
or role play for enhanced learning.
Case Study Type:
Objective Classifications:
Description and suggested uses:
This case study is similar to the comprehensive case study. This type of case
describes events that may be seen either as a success or as a failure. While the
issues are usually fairly clear, they are often not those stated by the characters
in the case. For example, it could relate a situation where one participant
inadvertently discriminates against another participant. This type of case study
is excellent for improving analytical thinking. Trainees studying the case learn to
critically examine such statements in the light of the other evidence presented.
They can also be used as preventive training for negative events (i.e, If
personnel are informed of adverse events and understand the causes, they might
not make the same mistake themselves). A situation case study can be written
anywhere within a lesson plan.
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