| ![]() DOE-STD-1061-93
facility operations. This module will give the shift supervisor the knowledge and skills
necessary to improve shift team performance. Topics for training may include the following:
Identifying deficiencies and initiating corrective action for performance problems
resulting from lack of teamwork
Describing and applying criteria used to measure team effectiveness
Describing characteristics common to effective teams and determining which are
present in their own team
Identifying and promoting factors essential to internal group support and cohesiveness
Describing team member roles assigned during abnormal or emergency operations
Performing a self-assessment to identify and compensate for personality traits that
detract from effective teamwork
Defining the team values, attitudes, and beliefs adopted by the work team and
describing how they affect team interaction.
4.2.11 Diagnostic Skills Training
The responsibility of the shift supervisor includes diagnosing facility problems by
monitoring system or process parameters, interpreting the data, and then concurring with and
directing appropriate corrective actions. This module should enable the shift supervisor to:
Identify potential causes of problems
Monitor data, and detect impending problems
Recognize the importance of attention to detail and recognize problems early
Differentiate between expected conditions and problem conditions
Identify conditions requiring action
Determine the expected response and identify deviations in that response
Analyze potential causes of problems to identify the most probable cause
Prioritize problems using a systematic process
Determine and initiate appropriate corrective actions based on a systematic
Evaluate success of corrective action and respond accordingly.
For further guidance on teamwork and diagnostic skills training, refer to DOE Guide
to Good Practices for Teamwork Training and Diagnostic Skills Development.
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