| ![]() DOE-STD-1061-93
Given conflicting plans, conflicting priorities, or inappropriate facility conditions that
could affect facility safety or facility schedules, obtain the advice and guidance of
appropriate individuals and managers to verify the course of action to be taken.
Examples of leadership and management problems that have resulted in occurrence
reports such as a facility or process accident/event following an improperly conducted
test, a lack of control of testing disables or challenges safety systems, the failure to
secure the system when startup test conditions were exceeded, or the nonconservative
use of system trip setpoints during system startup.
Conduct of operations procedure.
DOE Order 5480.19, "Conduct of Operations Requirements for DOE Facilities."
Suggested Learning Activities:
Review and discuss the preparation necessary for special tests and
integrated facility operations with the operations manager or an
experienced shift supervisor. Emphasize methods for planning and
implementing complex evolutions including application of
problem-solving and decision-making fundamentals; bring out the
primary priorities and philosophical positions of management.
4.2, 4.7, 4.8
Use a case-study approach with emphasis on correct facility conditions
for special tests and the ability of the crew to support interdepartmental
requests that affect operations. Referenced operating experience can
support this activity.
4.1, 4.3-4.10
A simulator (for those facilities that have them) may be used to exercise
implementation skills in determining and establishing facility
conditions, coordinating operator activities, and establishing and
adjusting priorities.
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