| ![]() DOE-STD-1061-93
interpersonal communication
oral and written communications
praising and reprimanding
conducting meetings
conducting shift briefings
Enhance the individual's ability to make decisions, such as the following:
problem analysis and decision making
establishing priorities
predetermining alternatives for normal and emergency operations
anticipating and responding to stress-induced reactions
planning and organizing.
3.2.2 Probabilistic Risk Assessment
For those facilities for which a Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) has been
performed, initial and continuing training programs should include the principal results of the
PRA. The training should address the following:
The importance of facility systems in preventing damage or severe accidents
The probabilistic basis for defining magnitudes and compositions of potential releases
of radionuclides (or other toxic materials) and consequences of potential releases in
terms of facility worker and offsite population health effects
Dominant types of potential operational accidents as defined in terms of frequency
and consequences
Locations of all significant amounts of radioactive and other hazardous materials, and
measures to prevent their release
The importance of maintaining operational limits and conditions, and the
consequences of violating those limits
Identification of potential hardware failures and human errors which constitute
dominant contributors to important accident sequences
The role PRA can play in evaluating proposed changes in operating procedures or
equipment configuration
The role of external events such as earthquakes, extreme winds, flooding,
transportation accidents, etc., in terms of their contribution to facility risk
The role PRA can play in optimizing operating limits, Technical Safety
Requirements, testing, and maintenance intervals.
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