| ![]() DOE-STD-1061-93
Promoting Team Communication--application of team communication skills and the
shift supervisor's role in promoting good communications.
Team-Building Techniques--role of the team leader, facilitation skills to obtain the
best results from the team as a whole and when participative management may be
Applying Interpersonal Skills--various situations of interaction between the shift
supervisor and the shift crew or other facility members in which the shift supervisor
should optimize the responses of the individuals involved to achieve management
Fact Gathering Through Interviews--the interview process, common interviewer
mistakes, and listening techniques. (Type of interviewing addressed involves
day-to-day facility interactions with operators, maintenance personnel, technicians,
engineers, and other support personnel.)
Applying Problem-Solving Fundamentals--decision making in uncertain
circumstances, considering alternatives, resolving minor problems, considering
preemptive actions, and applying facility and industry experience to corrective actions.
Conducting Group Presentations or Meetings--preparing for presentations, directing
and facilitating discussion, and responding to questions.
Case Studies of Selected Industry Operating Experience--many of the above areas
should be discussed using operating experience. Additionally, some industry
operating experience should be discussed to reinforce generic industry operating
principles (e.g., Three Mile Island and Chernobyl).
The facility manager should be provided a summary of the seminar as their shift
supervisors participate so that the facility management team is aware of the seminar content
and can reinforce the principles developed during the seminar by their day-to-day interactions
with the shift supervisors.
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