| DOE-STD-1063-2006
Appendix D
Analysis of hazards
New information should be evaluated to determine whether additional training is
necessary on significant new hazards or activities. A record of information
reviewed or considered for training should be maintained.
Facility Representatives, Safety System Oversight or other appropriate Federal or
contractor personnel should conduct the training. The training should be
provided to all Facility Representatives and should be considered for other
appropriate subje ct matter experts.
Classroom training (lecture or seminar), structured self-study (using a lesson
plan, handout, or required reading), and walkdowns/tours are all examples of
acceptable training methods.
The current site -specific Facility Representative qualification standard(s) should
be reviewed to determine if it should be revised to incorporate new information.
If so, the revision should be performed in accordance with site procedures.
All training provided should be documented, and attendance should be tracked to
verify that affected Facility Representative received training. Training records
should be sent to the site training office.
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