| DOE-STD-1063-2006
4.1 Duties, Responsibilities, and Authorities of Facility Representatives . The
following paragraphs describe the duties, responsibilities, and authorities
normally expected of Facility Representatives . Field Element Managers
should tailor these and additional duties and responsibilities for Facility
Representatives to reflect the specific requirements of the site, the facility,
the operational activities, and the involved organizations .
Operational Awareness . A Facility Representati ve shall be thoroughly
familiar with site and facility characteristics, operating procedures,
facility authorization bases, operating organizational structur e, and
key process control personnel. The Facility Representative shall be
aware of major work in progress and in planning. The Facility
Representative shall know which personnel are controlling the work,
what procedures are to be used, whether training and qualification
requirements have been established and are being met. Facility
Representatives s hall verify that work activities are being performed
safely based on periodic observations and spot-check reviews of
frequency commensurate with the haza rd and difficulty of the work.
This knowledge is primarily acquired by walking through the facility,
observation of work in progress, review of facility records and
documentation, and attendance at appropriate management
meetings of the operating contractor . Facility Representatives should
spend a significant amount of their time in their assigned facilities
observing operations and assessing operating conditions, consistent
with the goals in Appendix A , FACILITY REPRESENTATIVE
PERFORMANCE INDICATORS. Field Element Managers shall
ensure that operating contractors apprise Facility Representatives of
planning, scheduling, maintenance, operations review, and safety
review meetings.
Communication. The Facility Representative shall maintain frequent
communication with field element supervision. The Facility
Representative shall ensure that DOE line management is cognizant
of current facility conditions.
Availability. The Facility Representative shall be available to respond
to facility events and serve as the DOE presence for special
operations. The Facility Representative shall be readily available to
operating contractor personnel to facilitate the notification, if required,
and reporting of occurrences and any safety or operational concerns.
Independence. A Facility Representative should be in a position to
provide information to DOE line management independent of
programmatic responsibilities. Therefore, Field Element Managers
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