| ![]() DOE-STD-1063-2006
addressing compliance to program requirements, improvements to
safety, and performance effectiveness, are shown in Appendix A. Field
elements may provide additional site -specific performance indicators.
Field elements shall submit quarterly PI data to Progra m Offices at DOE -
HQ, with a copy to the Facility Representative Program Manager, Office
of the Departmental Representative to the Defense Nuclear Facilities
Safety Board (DOE DR-1). PIs for the preceding quarter are due to HQ
on the first working day of F ebruary, May, August, and November. The
Facility Representative Program Manager, Office of the Departmental
Representative to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DOE
DR-1), should use these PIs to evaluate DOE -wide program
effectiveness. The Facility Representative Program Manager, Office of
the Departmental Representative to the Defense Nuclear Facilities
Safety Board (DOE DR-1), shall compile a Department-wide PI report for
dissemination to applicable field elements and program offices.
5.8.2 Field Element Self-Assessments . Field Element Managers shall ensure
that periodically (not to exceed three years) their Facility Representative
Programs are evaluated relative to the requirements in Sections 4 and 5
of this standard. Field Element Managers should use evaluators who
have adequate knowledge and experience to conduct meaningful
reviews and provide the results of these self -assessments to the
responsible Program Office at DOE -Headquarters, with a copy to the
Facility Representative Program Manager, Office of the Departmental
Representative to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DOE
DR-1). Guidance for the performance of these assessments is provided
in Appendix B.
5.8.3 Peer Reviews. Field Element Managers, or designee, should invite
Facility Representatives and/or Facility Representative management
from other sites to perform peer reviews of their Facility Representative
programs. These reviews may be accomplished as part of the periodic
self-assessment described in section 5.8 .2. Peer reviews can provide a
mutual benefit through sharing lessons learned and can foster a more
consistent Facility Representative program throughout the DOE.
5.8.4 Annual Facility Representative Workshop. The Facility Representative
Program Manager, Office of the Departmental Representative to the
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DOE DR-1), should host an
Annual Facility Representative Workshop to share lessons learned about
operations at hazardous DOE facilities and to share information about
the Facility Representative Programs across the complex. Field Element
Managers should encourage as many Facility Representatives, Facility
Representative Program Sponsors, and line managers as possible to
attend the workshops to share information with other sites and identify
potential improvements for use in their own Facility Representative and
Safety Management programs.
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