| ![]() DOE-STD-1065-94
1.1 Purpose
This guide is intended to assist facility maintenance operations in the review
of existing and in developing new PMT guidelines to be performed following
maintenance, which proves that the structures, systems or components (SSC) are
operable as designed and confirms the following: (1) the original deficiency has
been corrected, (2) no new deficiencies have been created, and (3) the equipment
is ready to return to service. A PMT should be performed after all corrective
maintenance and after some preventive maintenance activities. The test
performed should be commensurate with the maintenance work performed and
the importance of the SSC to facility safety and reliability. In some cases, this
may only require checkout and verification, other cases may require a
Documented PMT. It is expected that each DOE facility may use different
approaches or methods than those defined in this guide. The specific guidelines
that follow reflect generally accepted industry practices. Therefore, deviation
from any particular guideline would not, in itself, indicate a problem. If
substantive differences exist between the intent of the Guideline and actual
practice, management should evaluate current practice to determine the need to
include/exclude proposed features. A change to maintenance practice would be
appropriate if a performance weakness was determined to exist. Development,
documentation, and implementation of other features which further enhance
these guidelines for specific applications, is encouraged.
Additional information pertinent to the implementation of this guideline may
be found in DOE-STD-1068-93 "Guide to Good Practices for Maintenance History
at DOE Nuclear Facilities."
Appendix D is provided for use by facility trainers who provide training
regarding this element.
1.2 Background
The information in this guide was developed from commercial and DOE
sources. Each facility should select those details that are applicable, add any
unlisted knowledge or experience that are applicable, and develop and implement
facility-specific PMT guidelines. Facilities that have existing documented PMT
should review this guide to identify details that may enhance their existing
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