| D O E -S T D -1065-94
If a surveillance test, calibration, or special procedure does not
exist to test particular equipment following maintenance, a
special test procedure may be written, or the test may be
performed in accordance with instructions written for the MJR.
With any of these procedure methods, the required and actual
testing performed should be described, data recorded,
acceptance criteria specified, and appropriate reviews and
approvals performed and documented. If special test
procedures are written to perform PMT, the appropriate safety
and technical reviews should be performed in accordance with
facility procedures.
Test instructions should include details such as initial conditions
and prerequisites, hold points, cautions, personnel qualification
requirements, personnel safety requirements, clear acceptance
criteria, and posttest restoration.
Test instructions should be as specific as possible and should
avoid using vague criteria such as "verify proper operation" or
"check for excessive temperature."
Test equipment should be specified and provision made for
recording the equipment identification and calibration due date.
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