| ![]() DOE-STD-1066-99
Protection to Limit Loss Potential
When the Maximum Possible Fire Loss (MPFL) exceeds $50 million, a redundant fire
protection system should be provided that, despite the failure of the primary fire
protection system, will limit the loss to acceptable levels as determined by the
Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).
When the MPFL exceeds $150 million, a redundant fire protection system and a 3-
hour fire barrier should be provided to limit the MPFL to acceptable levels as
determined by the AHJ.
Where a potential fire would represent an unacceptable risk to the health and safety
of the public, workers, the environment, DOE programs or DOE property (as
determined by a fire hazard analysis) fire protection should be provided for special
structures, commensurate with the risk. (Refer also to DOE-STD-1088-95, "Fire
Protection for Relocatable Structures.")
All DOE sites and facilities should have access to a fully-staffed, completely-
equipped and adequately-trained fire department that is capable and committed to
respond to fires and related emergencies on site in a timely and effective manner.
If, on the basis of a "Needs Assessment" or "Operational Basis Document" (Refer to
DOE O 420.1, "Facility Safety."), it is determined that such a capability does not exist
and that DOE is, consequently, subject to a higher loss potential, additional fire
protection features should be provided to compensate for the deficiencies determined.
The fire department capability to reduce loss due to a fire should be considered in
terms of the following factors:
location of fire station(s) with respect to the facility to be protected;
staffing of stations (e.g., continuously or "on-call volunteer");
ability to perform initial fire attack as outlined in NFPA 1410;
method(s) of fire department notification or alarm reception; and
familiarity of station staff with the DOE facility, and training in preparation for
effective response to an alarm at the DOE facility.
Structural Considerations
New permanent structures in excess of 5,000 square feet floor area should be of
noncombustible or fire resistive construction if no local building code is enforced.
Interior fire barriers should be provided to isolate hazardous occupancies, to minimize
the potential for fire spread (including products of combustion) and loss potential, and
to help assure the orderly evacuation of facility occupants, consistent with the
conclusions of the Fire Hazards Analysis (FHA) that is performed in conjunction with
the design process. Openings in such barriers should be protected with appropriately
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