| DOE-STD-1066-99
Glovebox References
C. A. Burchsted, J. E. Kahn, and A. B. Fuller. Nuclear Air Cleaning Handbook. ERDA 76-21. Oak Ridge,
Tennessee. March 1976.
Factory Mutual Research Corporation. Glovebox Fire Safety. Norwood, Massachusetts. 1967.
J. D. Rapoza and F. E. Corning. Glovebox Fire Tests Using Pyrophoric Metal. Atomics International.
Report No. AI-65-MEMO-209. October 1965.
National Fire Protection Association. NFPA 801, Recommended Fire Protection Practices for Facilities
Handling Radioactive Materials. Quincy, Massachusetts. 1991 Edition.
Rocky Flats Plant Standard No. SE-802. Standard for Glovebox Overheat Detector Assembly (Self-
Contained Testing). September 1990
Rocky Flats Plant Standard No. SE-805. Standard for Glovebox Overheat Detector Assembly (Push-
Through Type). August 1989.
R. R. King Jr. Interim Report on the Glovebox Fire Control Studies. General Electric Company, (HW-
67074). Richland, Washington. October 1960.
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Regulatory Guide 3.12. August 1973.
U.S. Department of Energy. DOE 6430.1A, General Design Criteria. April 1989.
W. E. Domning and R. W. Woodard. Glovebox Fire Tests. The Dow Chemical Company. Golden,
Colorado. November 1970.
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