| ![]() DOE-STD-1066-99
15.6.4 Ventilation Exhaust
Exhaust air from gloveboxes containing flammable or other hazardous atmospheres
should be discharged to the outdoors. Such emissions should comply with applicable
Federal and State emissions requirements.
15.6.5 Ventilation Overpressure Protection
The designer should evaluate whether "dump valves" or other control equipment are
required to prevent glovebox over-pressurization if the primary exhaust system fails,
if there is a breach in the glovebox, internal pressurization or similar event occurs.
Rapid changes in atmospheric conditions may also result in over- or under-
pressurization of the glovebox (see Appendix J).
15.6.6 Multi-Unit Exhaust Manifolds
Glovebox exhaust ventilation lines should be designed so each box has its own
exhaust port. The purpose of this criterion is to prevent flame or hot fire gases from
traveling from one glovebox to another through a common header or interconnection
15.6.7 Noncombustible Materials
Noncombustible materials should be used for glovebox ventilation ducts regardless
of duct type (rigid or flexible). Insulation materials used to wrap/cover ventilation
ducts should also be of noncombustible material such as fiberglass.
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