| ![]() DOE-STD-1068-94
A maintenance history program is the data Source for information to make
changes to equipment maintenance and ultimately its performance. This
program receives its information from completed corrective maintenance
actions, logbook and record keeping systems, and predictive maintenance
analysis. Some criteria for a maintenance history program includes the
The program should clearly define and identify the systems and
equipment that require documentation and retention of historical data.
This assignment should be based on a graded-approach. Also,
equipment requiring repetitive maintenance should be included in the
history program.
Data collected should Include:
details of work performed,
special equipment and tools used,
procedures or drawings needed,
spare parts installed,
personnel safety and radiation protection requirements, and
other designated useful information.
Planners, coordinators, field supervisors, and craftspersons should use
maintenance history regularly as a planning tool. Some uses of
maintenance history data are as follows:
support data needs for equipment failure analysis,
input for assessments of maintenance improvement programs,
data support for adjustments to the preventive maintenance
planning for postmaintenance testing,
for budget preparation, and
to enhance equipment life extension programs.
Discuss with the trainees the maintenance history program.
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