| ![]() DOE-STD-1069-94
identification. Items should be marked where possible with a
unique identification number, to provide a specific tracking
mechanism. Preinventoried containers of tools and equipment
may be identified as single units if the contents are inventoried
and restored after use.
Items should only be issued to individuals authorized to
withdraw tools. Bar-coded authorization cards that identify the
specific user should be used to assign tools and to facilitate
tracking thereafter. The identity of the items issued, the name
of the user, the location of the job for which the tools are to be
used, and the expected date of return should be recorded.
All facility departments and contractors should be required to
obtain tools and equipment for use in potentially contaminated
RCAs from the contaminated-tool storage areas.
The return of tools should be tracked against the expected
return dates. Tool and equipment use should be recorded to
establish use patterns and needed inventory quantities. The
computer-based inventory system should be utilized to track the
number and flow of stocked items used within the RCA. When
items are not returned, the user should be made to account for
Tools and equipment should be returned to their sources
immediately upon completion of use. All issued tools and
equipment should immediately undergo operability and
radiological evaluations.
Worn, defective, or otherwise unusable tools should be removed
from work areas as soon as possible, to prevent inadvertent use.
The replenishment of tool supplies should be performed only by
the responsible coordinating department on the basis of past
usage and expected needs. The uncontrolled introduction into
the RCA of tools and equipment, should be prohibited.
i) Tools and equipment that need inspection, calibration, or
refurbishment by personnel in specific work groups or by vendors may
require shipment to special locations elsewhere on site or off site.
When those transfers are necessary, the control coordinator should
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