| DOE-STD-1070-94
The DOE organization (Headquarters or field) responsible for conducting evaluations should
select the evaluator(s) using selection criteria that will maximize credibility, bring expertise to
bear where needed, and increase the likelihood of fresh solutions to problems through new
perspectives. Selection, training, and qualification requirements for personnel performing
evaluations of technical training and qualification programs should be developed and
promulgated in ancillary documents.
Each evaluator's experience should be commensurate with individually assigned objectives
and criteria. Before beginning the evaluation the evaluator(s) should be trained in evaluation
methodology, and should be familiar with the objectives and criteria which they are assigned
to evaluate. The training program objectives and criteria contained herein are not a substitute
for the evaluator's technical knowledge of the facility or program. The evaluation must be
performed using personnel who have a technical background (e.g., nuclear facility operations,
maintenance, and radiological protection personnel, and/or expertise in tritium, plutonium, or
other subjects) in the subject area(s) being evaluated. If a group of individuals are performing
the evaluation, the team should be made up of an appropriate balance of personnel with
training and technical backgrounds. The optimum situation is to use personnel with a
technical background and experience in training design, development, and management. If
the evaluation is conducted by someone who does not have the specific technical
qualifications, the results should be reviewed by a subject matter expert with expertise in the
subject area(s) before it is forwarded to the Management and Operating contractor.
5.3 Evaluation Methods. The objectives and criteria (Appendix A) may be used
individually by a person or collectively by a team to evaluate a specific objective or criterion or
as a package to evaluate the entire training program. The objectives and criteria were
designed to accommodate either the single person approach or the team approach. Job aids
(i.e., checklists and forms) that can be used by either a person or by a team to support
training program evaluation will be developed and published separately.
Training program evaluations should be conducted through observation of the overall program
and they should answer the question: "Does the training program meet the objectives and
criteria contained in this standard?" The following resources should be used when conducting
training program evaluations:
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