| DOE-STD-1070-94
Examinations (both written and oral) and OJT, laboratory, or simulator
performance evaluations are based on learning objectives, administered
consistently, controlled, and documented.
Test items are reviewed by subject matter experts for technical content, meaning,
and correct answer. The results of the review process are documented.
Examination questions are at the proper depth and detail to ensure adequate
evaluation of the trainees' knowledge and skills. Examinations and performance
evaluations contain a representative cross-section of knowledge, skills, and abilities
required for the position. All examination questions relate to one or more learning
The acceptance criteria used to grade examinations and performance evaluations
are defined in advance of the examination or performance evaluation.
The content of written and oral examinations is changed at intervals sufficient
to prevent compromise.
A policy or procedure is implemented to provide direction for how often and how
much examinations are changed to prevent compromise. Examination changes
may be based on how often the course of instruction is used and whether the test
data is controlled or shared with the trainees as a part of the learning process.
Development, approval, security, administration, and maintenance of written
and oral examinations, and performance evaluations are formally controlled.
A procedure or policy is implemented that controls the development, approval,
security, administration, and maintenance of all types of examinations. Access to
examinations is physically controlled and limited to designated personnel.
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