Material Receipt, Inspection, Handling, Storage, Retrieval, and Issuance at DOE Nuclear Facilities"> Material Receipt, Inspection, Handling, Storage, Retrieval, and Issuance at DOE Nuclear Facilities">
| D O E -S T D -1071-94
2.1 A cron ym s
DOE: Department of Energy
MSDS: Material Safety Data Sheets
RECID: Record Identification
2.2 Acceptance Tag. The final receipt inspection identifier affixed to an item prior to
placing the item in storage. It indicates all purchase requirements have been met.
2.3 Item. Any spare part, consumable, equipment or material. May include entire
component, valve, motor, instrument, gasket, adhesive, sea], etc.
2.4 Purchase Documents. Documents that describe the item(s) to be purchased.
These include requisitions and purchase orders with equipment specifications and
2.5 Q-List. An engineered approved listing of safety class structures, systems, or
components (SSC).
2.6 Shelf Life. A specific period or interval of time after which a stored item may not
meet its original design specifications, quality, or manufacture requirements.
2.7 Storage Controls. Controls applied during purchasing, receiving, packaging, and
storing of items to ensure that they are maintained properly.
2.8 Storeroom. Any facility designed or used for receiving, storing, and issuing items.
2.9 Tickler File. A file that serves as a reminder and is arranged to bring matters to
timely attention.
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